10 specialists
Beauty and health
Django REST Framework
AWS Cloud
CRM system
The Midnight technology team has developed a startup HELPER aimed at business automation in the beauty industry.
We were faced with the task of creating a convenient, functional and scalable CRM system that will supply salons with all the tools they need out of the box: the ability to register clients online, solutions for warehouse accounting, personnel management, bookkeeping, and others.

At the beginning of the project, we plunged into market research, analyzed potential competitors, their strengths and weaknesses. In parallel with this, the managers were in close communication with the client: they discussed his additional requirements and our ideas for the implementation of CRM.
When the scope of work became clear, we distributed the tasks among the team members and began to complete them in sprints using the SCRUM methodology. Each of these sprints had a specific goal and deadline, so that the client always knew exactly what work was being done and what the result would be.
We paid special attention to design. The fact is that HELPER was originally planned as a SaaS project, so we had to create a universal visual environment that would become comfortable for dozens and hundreds of different salons.
In addition to the CRM system itself, we also developed a project website aimed at attracting customers and solving marketing problems.

The CRM HELPER development process consisted of several main stages:
Market research and customer requirements.
CRM design and prototype development.

Formation of technical documentation and selection of a technology stack.
Development of individual design.

Frontend development on the Vue.js reactive framework.
Backend development in Python/Django.
Technical support and development of the project.
HELPER is a flexible and customizable CRM system. It allows you to create an unlimited number of branches of one salon and manage them independently of each other: choose different services, individual work schedules for masters and maintain separate customer databases.
Consider the main service modules in more detail:
Maintaining a client base. Information about the company’s customers is stored in a single database, which can be segmented separately for each branch. At the same time, an individual card is created for each client, which contains his personal information, visit history and reviews.
Personnel Management. The salon administrator can set up an individual work schedule for each master, a list of services provided by him, their duration and cost.

Online appointment. The registration form works around the clock and without the involvement of the administrator. In it, the client can select the desired service, the master and the desired time of the visit, after which information about the new visit will automatically appear in the specialist’s schedule, and the user will receive a corresponding notification. It is important that this module monitors the work schedule and employment of each master in real time, so the salon will never have overlaps.

Payroll. The head of the salon can specify a daily rate for each master, a percentage or a fixed amount for the service rendered by him. After that, the calculation of salaries will be carried out completely automatically.
Warehouse management. The module automates the accounting of products that are used for the work of masters or sold in the salon.
Accounting. The interface allows you to manage the financial statements of the salon branches and control all types of costs. Separately, a module for accounting for salary payments has been implemented.
Loyalty program management. Using this interface, salons will be able to conduct flexible and customizable promotions, as well as provide visitors with discount cards. Marketing activities may apply to all customers or their individual categories.

Notification system. Automatic notifications help salons communicate more effectively with their customers. For example, with their help, you can remind the visitor of the time of the visit or inform about the accrual of bonuses.
Billing. Module for managing payments and subscriptions in CRM HELPER. Here the head of the salon can view the history of transactions and information about current tariff plans.
For owners of CRM HELPER, a separate admin panel with superuser rights has been developed. It is designed to manage the company’s business processes and opens up the following opportunities:
Monitoring of all active licenses.
View information about each client – his contact details, purchased tariff plan and transaction history.
Client management – changing the license expiration date, blocking access.
View CRM HELPER analytical data for the desired period.
Control of financial results.
Set up notifications for the superuser, such as new registrations or license expiration for clients.
Adding support links.
Set up branch categories for customers.
The result of the work was a functional CRM that automates most of the routine tasks in beauty industry companies: from interacting with clients to managing stock balances.
To achieve the best result, we used innovative technologies: the Vue.js reactive framework, which is able to process part of the user’s requests even before they reach the server, the Python programming language and the Django framework, which provides maximum stability and performance.
As a result, our client received a CRM with reliable and well-thought-out functionality, capable of withstanding high loads, which is extremely important for a Saas project.